Just a reminder to please turn in the back to school forms that were sent home prior to school starting, thank you
over 2 years ago, Robin Kinzler
Tomorrow Aug. 29 Girls golf heads to Oakes for an Individual Qualifier Tournament starting at 10:00. Bus leaves Kulm @ 8:15. Good Luck! EEK JH Football will kick off at 5:00 vs Lisbon at Ellendale. Good Luck! EEK JV Football kicks off at 6:30 vs Lisbon in Ellendale. Go Thunder! Football bus leaves at 3:15.
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
There will be no Viper Football Practice today. 5th and 6th grade players please be at the field in Oakes at 9:30am.
over 2 years ago, Robin Kinzler
Just a few pictures of our Aug. 17 Epic First Day of events to kick off our 22-23 KPS school year.
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Competitive Cornhole Match
Pool Fun!
Card Games
Sand Volleyball
Tomorrow Aug. 26 EEK Thunder hit the road and play at Northern Cass at 7:00pm. The bus leaves Kulm at 2:45. Go Thunder!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
JH Football will head to Wishek to play South Border tonight at 5:00. Bus leaves Kulm at 3:30. Go Thunder!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Girls Golf will tee it up at Grand Rapids tomorrow at 9:00. The suburban will leave Kulm at 7:45. Good Luck Girls!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Tomorrow 8/22 the EEK Thunder JV Football team will take on Aberdeen Roncalli in Ellendale at 5:00. The bus will leave Kulm at 3:00. Good Luck boys!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Tomorrow Aug. 20 Volleyball 9-12 will have a scrimmage in Oakes starting at 9:00am. Suburban will leave Kulm at 7:30. Good Luck Girls! Tomorrow Aug. 20 Cross Country will have their first event of the season in Jamestown at 11:00. They will leave Kulm at 7:45. Good Luck and Run Fast!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Girls Golf will be heading to Ellendale for the SCC Conference meet tomorrow Aug. 19 with a 10:00 tee time. Suburban leaves 8:20 from Kulm. Good Luck girls! The EEK Thunder Football team have their first game of the year tomorrow Aug. 19 with a 7:00 kickoff in Ellendale vs Linton-HMB. Bus leaves at 4:10 from Kulm. Good Luck boys!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Girls Golf heads to Forman tomorrow for a 10:00 tee time. Suburban leaves Kulm at 8:00. Good Luck girls!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Girls Golf will head to Linton tomorrow with a 10:00 start time. Leave time is 8:20 from the school. Good Luck Girls!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp
Monday, August 15, 5:30 – 6:30—Back to School Night—All KPS families are welcome to join us for supper. We’ll be serving burgers, brats, beans and more. You can meet KPS staff and drop off school supplies. We can’t wait to see EVERYONE!
over 2 years ago, Adam Schlepp